Plastic Pollution and Reduction
The harms that threaten wildlife through plastic disposal and pollution not only threaten the lives of those animals, but have the potential to dramatically influence our entire marine ecosystem. While the use of plastics is currently a staple of everyday life, the reduction of plastic pollution requires action from all parties involved to create a more sustainable world of plastic use. Continue reading and learn more about the problem at hand and what Big Blu World is doing about it.

The Threat Being Posed
Of the almost 500 million tons of plastic produced across the globe, only 10% of it is recycled and more than 8 million tons of it ends up in our oceans. According to Environmental Health News, there is expected to be more weight in plastic pollution than fish in the ocean by the year 2050. The death of marine life, destruction of food chains, and the negative contributions of microplastics are only some of the impacts we are combating at Big Blu World.

What Can Be Done Commercially
Industries rarely explore the potential of eco-design to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic waste, and they need to take on producer responsibility to design plastic products that minimize negative environmental impacts throughout their life cycles. Governments can improve plastic waste management for recycling and remanufacturing, and raise awareness about the effects of plastic misuse. Assembling larger volunteer projects and other philanthropic events are always possibilities for businesses.

Taking Individual Action
It is a global effort to tackle and eliminate the problem of improper plastic consumption and takes the actions of a significant majority of the population. Individuals need to reduce consumption and minimize their plastic waste at a personal, daily level. Grand, impactful steps taken at a commercial and governmental level can be substantiated by people consciously doing their part at home. Proper disposal of plastic is a small decision that has a consequential impact.

How To Help
Our mission can only be achieved with the support and contributions of friends, families, and people committed to improving the marine environment. Through donations, volunteer efforts, and education Big Blu World is reducing the amount of plastic in our waterways and reviving our beaches and lakes. You can make a difference with a one-time donation, or you can become a member in helping us reclaim our waters.
Although industries and individuals have both started to respond to the challenge of mitigating plastic pollution, this problem also requires retroactive work. The health of global marine environments and the future of their food chains depend on our ability to reclaim and revive our water bodies at home. With philanthropic action and education, Big Blu World intends to reduce the amount of plastic debris in and around our waterways. Do your part — volunteer or donate today!